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Day 3: October 3, 2024 (Guido Mine and Coal Mining Museum)

Guido coal mine

Source: https://www.kopalniaguido.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=469&Itemid=590

The Guido mine is a historic deep coal mine and museum in ZabrzeSilesiaPoland. The museum is an Anchor point on the European Route of Industrial Heritage. This is an object of cultural heritage inscribed in the registry of the Silesian Voivodeship and a cultural monument in Poland.

The mine was established by Count Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck, who received the mining grant on October 2, 1855, and the established facility was named after him.

Guido Mine tours are available on two levels 170, 320 and sublevel 355. During the tour, you can see how the electric hoist machine from 1927 works, go underground in a mining cabin (elevator). The routes include underground excavations from the time of mining at the "Guido" Mine. Presented are the underground chapel- St. Barbara's Chapel, which is located 170 meters below the surface, or working mining machinery. A trip to Guido also includes a ride on a suspended electric train, or a meeting in an underground pub located 320 meters underground.

Informations source: https://kopalniaguido.pl/index.php/en/

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