
Conference agenda

16.00-18.00 – Registration of participants, Qubus Hotel Katowice, Stanisław Moniuszko street 9

8.30Walking to the Conference Venue (departure from Qubus Hotel Katowice, Stanisław Moniuszko street 9)

9.00-9.45Registration of participants / Welcome coffee

9.45-10.00Official opening (Chair: Piotr Rodak, President of the Organizing Committee)

  • Laura Capranica (President, European Athlete as Student network)
  • Adam Zając (Vice Rector of Sport AWF Katowice, Academy of Physical Education. School of Champions)
  • Jagna Marczułajtis-Walczak (MEP, Olympic Athlete in three Games)
  • Rajmund Tomik (Conference Director)

10.00-11.00Key Lectures (Chair: Mojca Doupona, Laura Capranica)

  • Academy of Physical Education. School of Champions.

Adam Zając (Academy of Physical Education in Katowice)

  • Erasmus+ for Dual Careers – International cooperation and funding opportunities.

Izabela Pelczyńska (European Education and Culture Executive Agency).

  • International University Sports Federation (FISU) and Dual Career – a global approach for stakeholders.

Bill Thompson (FISU Education Member)

  • Collaboration between EAS and European Network of Sport Education

Antonio Tessitore (ENSE President)

11.00-11.30 – Coffee break

11.30-12.30 – Oral Presentations. Dual Career at University Level (Chair: Mojca Doupona, Antonio Sanchez-Pato)


  • Challenges, Opportunities and Good Practices in Dual Career: Insights from experts and student-athletes.

María José Maciá-Andreu, B, Garrido-López, A. Mateo-Orcajada, A. Leiva-Arcas,

Faculty of Sport. Catholic University of Murcia UCAM (Spain)


  • Preliminary Results of a Survey on the Dual Career Regulation at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Ida Cariati, R. Bonanni, M. Onorati, V. Tancredi

Department of Systems Medicine, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome; CUS, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome (Italy)


  • The Erasmus+ Academic Mobility of Student-Athletes.

Dorothée Brac de la Perrière

INSA Lyon (France)


  • 4 Years of the Polish Program Supporting Student-Athletes Dual-Career – National Academic Team

Rajmund Tomik, M. Janecka, P. Rodak.

AWF Katowice (Poland)

12.20-12:30 General Discussion

12.30-13.00 – 2024 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship Award Ceremony (Chair: Risto Keskitalo, Laura Capranica)

13.00-13.30 – EAS 20th Anniversary Celebration, Family Photo (Chair: Risto Keskitalo)

13.45-14.45 – Lunch

15.00-16.30 – Oral Presentations. European Dual Career Projects (Chair: Mojca Doupona, Ilvis Abelkalns)


  • FIND ME: University Dual Career Opportunities

Nenad Stojiljkovic, N. Stankovic, Z. Milanovic, L. Capranica, A. Figueiredo, I. Ābeļkalns, B.A. Abalasei, R. Hodorca, I. Onose,F.L. Ghiga, P. Izzicupo, S. Serafini, A. Fusco, A. Di Baldassarre, B. Ghinassi,I. Prestanti, H. Ege, B. Çalışkan, P. Bouquet, M. Perissinotto, A. Molinari, L. Porcelli, A. Sanchez Pato, A. Ramírez Muñoz, H. González García,T. Alonso Hierro, D. Lozano Osa, M. Doupona, K. Poteko.

University of Nis (Serbia)

  • FIND ME: Implementation of Dual Career at European Higher Education Institutions: The Student-Athletes’ and Experts’ Views

Pascal Izzicupo, S. Serafini, I. Prestanti, B.A. Abalasei, B. Çalışkan, T.M. Alonso Del Hierro, A. Di Baldassarre, M. Doupona, A. Figueiredo, A. Fusco, B. Ghinassi, H. Ege, R.M. Onose, A. Sánchez Pato, M. Perissinotto, N. Stankovic, N. Stojiljkovic, L. Capranica.

University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy)


  • HEPALIS, An Online Educational Chance

Juan Alfonso Garcia-Roca, B. Garrido-Lopez, P. Sanchez-Gonzalez, C. Hernandez-Guardiola, A. Lopez-Martinez

Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (Spain)


  • DiscoverU - Discovering University Sport and Supporting Dual Career

Andrej Pisl

EUSA Institute (Slovenia)


  • Promoting Dual Careers at Higher Education Institutions: 31 Benefits Ranked by the SAMEurope Project

C.H. Domingo, M. Renau Michavila, M.P. Marín Gil, Dorothée Brac de la Perrière

Universitat Jaume I and Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (France)


  • Smart Start for DC - Encouraging the Dual Career of Young High School Athletes

Renato Vuk, bacc. oec.

Sports School PESG (Croatia)


  • Societal Impact and Development of Grassroots Sports in the Western Balkans: Insights from the ‘Sports as Value’ Project

Faton Tishukaj, F. Miftari, L. Capranica

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Pristina (Kosovo)


  • The Identification of Standards by Teachers and Coaches for Talent Recognition and Promote Dual Careers. Results from Talent Project

Antonino Scardina, M. Bellafiore, D.S.S. Vicari, M. Albanese, L. Capranica, D. Mujkic, A. Palma, A. Kesick, A. Bianco

Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, Department Psychology, EducationalScience and HumanMovement, University of Palermo (Italy)


  • An Innovative Dual-Career University Model. Lessons After a Decade.

Leiva-Arcas, Alejandro, A. Mateo-Orcajada, M.J. Maciá-Andreu, F.J. Cánovas-Álvarez, J. Francisco

Universidad Católica de Murcia (Spain)

16.40General Discussion

9.00 – Bus trip to the Conference Venue, departure from Qubus Hotel Katowice, Stanisław Moniuszko street 9

9.30-10.45 – Panel Discussion Sport in School and University (Chair: Piotr Rodak)

Weronika Nowakowska – former Olympian;

Marianna Pikul – Academic Sports Association;           

Krzysztof Wilusz – vice dean of AWF Katowice,

Maciej Wyderka – student AWF, Olympian.

10.45-11.30 – Coffee break

11.30-12.00 – Stadium Tour

12.00-12.50 – Oral Presentations. Dual Career – National Solutions (Chair: Ole Keldorf, Laurence Blondel)


  • An Approach To Determine The Current State Of Mentorship In Spanish Dual Career Athletes

Amaia Ramírez-Muñoz, T. Alonso, H. González-García, A. Sánchez-Pato

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – UNIR (Spain)


  • Exploring Dual Career Experiences of Student-Athletes ThroughyThe Employability Capital Perspective: A Pilot Study

Alessia Ferraboli, C. D'Angelo

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy)


  • The Spanish University Dual Mentoring Network for Student-Athletes

Antonio Sánchez-Pato, A. Ramírez-Muñoz,C.A. Muniesa, H. González-García, J. Gallardo-Pérez, M.L. Rodicio,M.P. Ríos, L. Rego, I. Clavel, M. Bobo, M. Borrueco, J.M. Aguilar, R. Trigueros, A. Núñez, F.J. Leguizamo, A. Niño, A. Capdevila,E. Isidori, A. Fazio, A. Magnanini-

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (Spain)


  • A Developmental Evaluation Model for Evaluating Dual-Career Development Environments in Higher Education in Finland

J.A.O. Nikander, A. Kirjavainen, Jukka Tirri, L. Tast, J. Parikka

University of Jyväskylä; Finnish Olympic Committee (Finland)

12.40 – General Discussion

12.50-13.50 – EAS General Assembly (Chair: Ole Keldorf)

13.50-14.00 – Presentation of the 2025 EAS Conference (Romana Caput-Jogunica)

14.00-14.45 – Lunch

14.45-15.55 – Oral Presentations. Dual Career at School and University (Chair: Antonio Figueiredo, Risto Keskitalo)


  • AFTERMATCH 2.0: A Challenge for Athletes after Finishing Their Sports Career, State of the Art. Juan Alfonso Garcia-Roca, Meroño-Garcia, M.T. Morales-Belando, D. Cherubini, A. Lopez-Vivancos

Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia - Olympics Studies Center (Spain)


  • Dual Career Support Opportunities in the Conditions of Latvian Education Reform
  1. Abele, Anna Liduma

Latvian University Sport Federation (Latvia)


  • High School Student Athletes’ Perceptions of Their Coach’s Pedagogical Skills

Pertti Huotari

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)


  • Percieved Problems of Dual Career in the Croatian High Schools

Romana Caput-Jogunica, Snježana Pejčić

University of Zagreb/Croatian Olympic Committee (Croatia)


  • Student-Athletes’ Sport and Academic Motivation from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory

Magdalena Ardeńska, R. Tomik

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach (Poland)


  • The High Performance Sports Section of a French Engineering School

Hervé Bizzotto, D. Brac de la Perrière

INSA Lyon (France)

15.45 – General Discussion

16.00 – Bus trip to the Qubus Hotel Katowice from Silesian Stadium

19.00 – Official dinner (27th Floor Restaurant, Uniwersytecka street 13, Katowice)

9.00 – Bus trip to the Conference Venue, departure from Qubus Hotel Katowice, Stanisław Moniuszko street 9

10.00-11.30 – Guido Mine Tour

11.30-12.00 – Coffee break

12.00-13.00 – Closing Ceremony (Chair: Laura Capranica, Risto Keskitalo, Ole Keldorf)

13.00-13.30 – Lunch

14.00-15.00 – Bus trip to the Qubus Hotel Katowice, Stanisław Moniuszko street 9


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