EAS Annual Conference Banner



On behalf of EAS, We are pleased to inform you that the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship 2024 has been launched at the link https://www.dualcareer.eu/call-for-papers-bengt-nybelius-scholarship-2024/

Applicants up to 40 years of age must submit as first author an original manuscript related to the scope of EAS. Manuscripts have to be considered for the 2024 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship applicants before July 1st, 2024 (midnight CET) must submit by e-mail to info@dualcareer.eu, including:

  • A copy of the manuscript (PDF) written in English, between 15 and 30 pages, double-spaced in Arial font size 11, not contain information presented or published elsewhere, and include title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (if applicable), references, tables, figures and legends, and statement of lack of conflicts of interest.
  • An abstract, 1 page, about 2400 characters
  • A cover letter, stating clearly why the work is considered suitable for the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship and explaining the importance of the study.
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications (if there are others)

The Scientific Committee of EAS will consider the quality of submitted manuscripts and notify the winner by July 31, 2024. The winner has to summarize her/his work with a 15-minute oral presentation in English at the 2024 Annual EAS Conference in Katowice, Poland, October 1-3.

Cancellation of trip to Krakow on October 4th

We are sorry, but due to the lack of sufficient number of participants, the trip to Krakow on October 4th 2024 has been canceled.

Meeting on February 22-23, 2024

On February 22-23, 2024, the Academy of Physical Education Katowice (Poland) Vice Rector Rajmund Tomik and the Director of International Relations Center Piotr Rodak welcomed Ole Keldorf and Risto Keskitalo and showed the venue of the 2024 EAS Annual Conference to be held on October 1-3, 2024. The co-operation between EAS and the host was sealed with Rector Grzegorz Juras.

During the meeting, the Conference programme and the practical arrangements have been defined to provide the best opportunities for a EAS members to have a great time in Katowice.

The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the EAS Conference in Katowice, the European City of Science in 2024, is a special opportunity to highlight the contribution of dual career of sportspersons to the advancement of a European culture in and through sports on all aspects of life. In fact, the Conference is dedicated to “Dual career at school and university – innovative bridges between sport and education”.

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